
To make the whole experience as convenient as possible you can use our transport with mini bus from Amsterdam (near Schiphol Airport), Utrecht or Apeldoorn, without additional costs with destination Poland. In this way you don’t have to worry about the travelling. Of course there will be stops to go to the restroom or buy some sandwiches or drinks.

Depending on the traffic, this will be the expected arrival time

After arrival you can choose a bed in the accommodation. There are 2 person bedrooms with separate beds. As a warm welcome there will be a campfire and diner mad of local delicacies. After diner we will get to know each other and if you are tired you can enjoy a good night’s rest. 

How does your morning ritual look like? Maybe you practice meditation but did you ever chanted in the early morning? The power of your voice in combination of slow breathing results in a very activated and cleansed start of the day. 

Grounding is extremely important! And totally forgotten in the western world. The native Americans say that shoes are the worst invention of humanity. One cannot release the charged energy in the body and it results in many physical complaints. Next to this you can not recharge with the healing energy of mother earth. With us you can discover this and do it the whole weekend if it benefits you. For me (Adrian) it was really a personal revolution to walk bare feet. I studied on it and would love to share solutions with you for when you are at home, where grounding can be harder. 

Me myself (Adrian) I fast almost every morning. To have more time to recover from my last meal. Eating leads to inflammation and not eating to recovery. Not eating is so healthy for you! If this is new for you, Roy and I can share our experiences with you. Longer periods of fasting or intermittent fasting. But anyway we love a good breakfast as well, so we will make sure that there will be a delicious breakfast for you. The choice is yours! 

This walk can be done with shoes or bare feet. Since two years I (Adrian) walk and run bare feet. That feels so good! And yes, in winter it is extremely cold but you can train this, the same way your hands get used to the cold.I understand that you can have a lot of questions and we we would love to share our experiences with you. This walk is about connecting to nature, to feel the power of nature and to see how much nature has to offer. Edible plants, healing herbs and mushrooms. A local nature expert will take us on a walk through the forest. 

“If heaven excists it must look like this” This lake is so beautiful, situated in the middle of the forest. Icebathing has so many health benefits, you probably know the story of Wim Hof. Roy and I have a lot of experience with icebathing and it even resulted in healing my food allergies and hay fever. Icebathing in this lake has a healing effect. If you are new to icebathing we love to guide you through it. And if you only want to watch, that is totally fine as well. You pick your experiences! 

To be able to process all the experiences during the weekend and to make sure you have some time by yourself. We planned some resting moments (which is very important). At the accommodation we can enjoy a small sauna. And after a cold bath you deserve a sauna or warm shower! Be nice to yourself! 

During the nature walk you saw how much nature has to offer. Our cook will make sure we can enjoy local and organic meals. If you are vegetarian, vegan or you have any intolerances, please let us know! 

Roy is a breath coach and will guide you through a breath session with live piano music in 432 Hz, comfortable in the forest. This is an unique experience and we are sure that you never experienced this before 🙂

About the breath session: everybody breaths all the time but mostly not aware of it’s enormous potential. Most people only use 30% of their breath capacity. In this breath session you will learn to increase your breathing capacity to 100%. The benefits are more energy, stronger immune system, better sleep. 

In this workshop you will learn how make rhythms with your body in a playful and energetic way. Drumming on your body creates a lot of self connection and positive energy. It is proven that playing rhythms stimulates our creative ability. At the end of this session you will be smiling, strongly connected to yourself and charged with energy.  

To process everything that is happening this weekend and to make sure you have some time by yourself we planned so resting moments. At the accommodation there is a small sauna. And you deserved a warm shower! Be nice to yourself! 

Did you know notice that sitting at a campfire has something special about it? It connects you back to your true nature and gives warmth and a feeling of safety. We will have diner at the campfire, sharing local and organic dishes. Are you vegetarian, vegan or do you have intolerances, let us know! 

In a drumming circle you choose the instrument that you like the most. In a playful way you will learn to play different rhythms and improvise. Drumming together gives a feeling of happiness, lots of energy and connects you to your true nature.

In OwNice there is almost no light pollution. If it is a clear night and the moon is visible, we can look at the craters on the moon with my 30 kg telescope. This image changed my perspective on the world. 

There are many different breathing methods. Buteyko is my favorite to practice before going to sleep and I would love to share this with you!

How does your morning ritual look like? Maybe you practice meditation but did you ever chanted in the early morning? The power of your voice in combination of slow breathing results in a very activated and cleansed start of the day. 

Grounding is extremely important! And totally forgotten in the western world. The native Americans say that shoes are the worst invention of humanity. One cannot release the charged energy in the body and it results in many physical complaints. Next to this you can not recharge with the healing energy of mother earth. With us you can discover this and do it the whole weekend if it benefits you. For me (Adrian) it was really a personal revolution to walk bare feet. I studied on it and would love to share solutions with you for when you are at home, where grounding can be harder. 

Me myself (Adrian) I fast almost every morning. To have more time to recover from my last meal. Eating leads to inflammation and not eating to recovery. Not eating is so healthy for you! If this is new for you, Roy and I can share our experiences with you. Longer periods of fasting or intermittent fasting. But anyway we love a good breakfast as well, so we will make sure that there will be a delicious breakfast for you. The choice is yours! 

This walk can be done with shoes or bare feet. Since two years I (Adrian) walk and run bare feet. That feels so good! And yes, in winter it is extremely cold but you can train this, the same way your hands get used to the cold. I understand that you can have a lot of questions and we we would love to share our experiences with you. This walk is about connecting to nature, to feel the power of nature and to see how much nature has to offer.

“If heaven excists it must look like this” This lake is so beautiful, situated in the middle of the forest. Icebathing has so many health benefits, you probably know the story of Wim Hof. Roy and I have a lot of experience with icebathing and it even resulted in healing my food allergies and hay fever. Icebathing in this lake has a healing effect. If you are new to icebathing we love to guide you through it. And if you only want to watch, that is totally fine as well. You pick your experiences! 

To be able to process all the experiences during the weekend and to make sure you have some time by yourself. We planned some resting moments (which is very important). At the accommodation we can enjoy a small sauna. And after a cold bath you deserve a sauna or warm shower! Be nice to yourself! 

During the nature walk you saw how much nature has to offer. Our cook will make sure we can enjoy local and organic meals. If you are vegetarian, vegan or you have any intolerances, please let us know! 

Roy is a breath coach and will guide you through a breath session with live piano music in 432 Hz, comfortable in the forest. This is an unique experience and we are sure that you never experienced this before 🙂

About the breath session: everybody breaths all the time but mostly not aware of it’s enormous potential. Most people only use 30% of their breath capacity. In this breath session you will learn to increase your breathing capacity to 100%. The benefits are more energy, stronger immune system, better sleep. 

This will be wonderful, you will feel so relieved!

To process everything that is happening this weekend and to make sure you have some time by yourself we planned so resting moments. At the accommodation there is a small sauna. And you deserved a warm shower! Be nice to yourself! 

Did you know notice that sitting at a campfire has something special about it? It connects you back to your true nature and gives warmth and a feeling of safety. We will have diner at the campfire, sharing local and organic dishes. Are you vegetarian, vegan or do you have intolerances, let us know! 

In a drumming circle you choose the instrument that you like the most. In a playful way you will learn to play different rhythms and improvise. Drumming together gives a feeling of happiness, lots of energy and connects you to your true nature.

At the end of the third day we will share our experiences. In this way we can process what we have experienced and learn from each other. We will do this sharing around the campfire with some great food and drinks. 

There are many different breathing methods. Buteyko is my favorite to practice before going to sleep and I would love to share this with you!

How does your morning ritual look like? Maybe you practice meditation but did you ever chanted in the early morning? The power of your voice in combination of slow breathing results in a very activated and cleansed start of the day. 

Me myself (Adrian) I fast almost every morning. To have more time to recover from my last meal. Eating leads to inflammation and not eating to recovery. Not eating is so healthy for you! If this is new for you, Roy and I can share our experiences with you. Longer periods of fasting or intermittent fasting. But anyway we love a good breakfast as well, so we will make sure that there will be a delicious breakfast for you. The choice is yours! 

We came to the end of the retreat, you are going home with a backpack full of experiences and a polish lunch for the road. The bus will stop for a toilet break and also in Apeldoorn, Utrecht and Amsterdam (close to Schiphol).

Depending on the traffic you will arrive approximately around 18:00/19:00 in Utrecht/Amsterdam. 

When you don’t know us yet

About Us

Adrian Kuipers - Portrait 2021 - Neo-classical Piano Artist - Photographer - Creative Artist In Search For A Better World

Adrian Kuipers

Adrian’s search for paradise on earth led him to Africa where he discovered the power of the soul through music and dance. After a career as professional footballplayer, entrepreneur and photographer Adrian decided to move to Poland and discover the power of nature. Besides this, Adrian has a contract with Warner Music to release piano music in 432 Hz. 

Roy Groeneveld

Roy Is life coach and musician. He has a great talent to inspire you with his 1 on 1 coaching, workshop and retreats. Roy facilitates workshops since 2003 and he plays as a musician since he is 9 years old in 30 countries worldwide. Roy believes in the power of love and positivity to move towards more unity, light and consciousness.